Today visited my friend's friendster profile and I've found something so interesting and yet so damn meaningful to me!! xD

COOL! I've found this! The last day of SPM! xD Have a great n joyful moment,really ;D
(Front view)
Looking at my SSS? xD woots! nice SSS!! xD HAHAHA!
(Back view)
JEALOUS?! xD hohoo~its my decision though,that asked my whole class's classmate to sign their own signature or write something cool that can be such a wonderful memory for me ;D We are all in this together,remember this,thank you my classmate or even my family ;D
Hoho~although my pig friend-bella still struggle for SPM! "You are blessed dude! Because you have such a great friend beside you-kenji the great xD" HOHOHOO~~oh ya,don't feel like wan'na get the great,too bored when you're the great,you know? xD HAHA!! so,kenji the goat also can,since my elder brother called me that xD *RESPECT!* xD HOHO~LOL~
kenji ^.~ *wink wink*~LOL~